Computer games



In 2008 a new puzzle game Echochrome for Sony PlayStation 3 was issued. The goal of the game is to visit in any order up to four shadowy "echoes" of the main person, which goes by flying platforms. Player can rotate the camera filling gaps between platforms or overlapping them by other elements of the scene and making illusion of platform without gap, which the character can go by. Thus, sometimes player should create an impossible figure to solve the level. Below you can see one of the simplest cases of making impossible construction on three screenshots.

The engine of the game is based on Object Locative Environment (OLE) Coordinate System designed by Jun Fujiki. OLE Coordinate System is a coordinate system used for virtual environments in which movement constraints are not only defined by the 3D coordinates of objects but by the position of the camera, as well.

Echochrome screenshot 1

Echochrome screenshot 2

Echochrome screenshot 3